Attorneys of Goff Voltin
Quality Lawyer Representation Through
the Collaborative Practice of Law.
The age old saying is that two minds are greater than one. At Goff Voltin, PLLC, our attorneys strive to embody this ideal through a collaborative practice of law. When one attorney at Goff Voltin, PLLC, has a case, that attorney does not handle the case alone. Rather, our attorneys work together to analyze, scrutinize, and discuss each case to ensure the best possible outcome. Our lawyers take your case seriously. The attorneys at Goff Voltin represent citizens in the Hampton Roads area, Newport News and surroundings. Whether you need representation in criminal law, traffic law or family law, anywhere in the Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg and surroundings we have the experience you need. Look through our honors and awards as well as our areas of practice below: