Internet sex crimes are extremely serious. Not only are crimes such as possession of child pornography, distribution of child pornography, and solicitation of a minor felony offenses, but convictions can lead to consequences such as registration on the Virginia Sex Offender Registry for life. Further, sex crime convictions can severely impact your ability to obtain employment, go to school, or even live in the house or apartment of your choice, depending on its proximity to places such as schools and churches. If charged with an offense such as possession of child pornography, distribution of child pornography, or solicitation of a minor, it is vital to have an attorney who is experienced in this area of the law and who is knowledgeable of all possible defenses.
If you are charged with a crime involving child pornography or solicitation, it is vital to have an attorney who will review the facts of your case and “think outside the box” to discover all possible defenses. The first step that any attorney should take in a child pornography or solicitation case is to examine how the police obtained evidence of the charged crime. For instance, if the police seized a cell phone or computer, an attorney needs to be prepared to challenge the seizure of personal property on constitutional grounds. If a search warrant was not obtained, the attorney may be able to suppress the evidence on Fourth Amendment grounds. Even if a search warrant was obtained, there may be issues relating to the search and seizure that can lead to suppression of the Commonwealth’s evidence.
Aside from search and seizure issues, there are a variety of other defenses to Internet sex crime cases. For instance, the Commonwealth must prove that the accused was the one who downloaded the image or sent out an electronic solicitation. This is frequently an issue where more than one person had access to the device in question. Further, accidental viewing, entrapment, stolen identity, and whether the material in question meets the elements of the charged crime are all factors that an attorney should be able and willing to analyze.
The attorneys at Goff Voltin, PLLC in Newport News are highly experienced in handling serious Internet sex crime cases. We have defended sex crime cases in Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg, and other courts throughout Hampton Roads. We thoroughly review the facts of each case, work closely with our clients to formulate a plan of attack, and aggressively defend our clients’ interests in court. Call today for a free consultation.