A Virginia court seal, usually seen in a criminal defense case in Newport News and Hampton.


Abduction and Kidnapping Defense

Abduction is a serious charge to face. Knowing what exactly to expect from your case is important. You also need an attorney with the experience to fight the charge above all. Trust in the attorneys of Goff Voltin to provide you with a rigorous defense.

Virginia law uses abduction and kidnapping interchangeably. The legal definition is:

  • Firstly, any person who, by force, intimidation or deception, and
  • without legal justification or excuse,
  • seizes, takes, transports detains or secretes another person
  • Moreover, with the reason to deprive such other person of his personal liberty or to withhold or hide him from any person, authority or place lawfully entitled to his charge.

If the parent of the person abducted commits these crimes, it can be punishable as contempt of court in any proceeding then pending, the offense shall be a Class 1 misdemeanor in addition to being punishable as contempt of court. However, such offense, if committed by the parent of the person abducted and punishable as contempt of court in any proceeding then pending and the person abducted is removed from the Commonwealth by the abducting parent, shall be a Class 6 felony in addition to being punishable as contempt of court.

  • VIRGINIA CODE: http://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter4/section18.2-47/
Read Our Criminal Defense Attorney Testimonials

Anyone could find themselves facing criminal charges. In fact, a criminal charge can have lasting effects on the lives of those with such charges on their records. However, in order to effectively handle a serious legal situation, individuals often need to understand what they are facing. If you have a criminal law charges in Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg, Yorktown or the rest of the Hampton Roads area, call the criminal defense attorneys at Goff Voltin, PLLC today.