DUI or DWI Standardized Field Sobriety Test: What is it? Anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of being suspected of DUI or DWI has likely been asked to perform a number of field sobriety tests by the police. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has created the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Battery to assist officers in determining …
Sheriff Bill Watson v. Mayor Kenny Wright and the Difference Between Misdemeanor and Felony Evade and Elude
Sheriff Bill Watson v. Mayor Kenny Wright: Politics or Enforcing the Law? As many people already know, Sheriff Bill Watson and Mayor Kenny Wright of Portsmouth, Virginia, squared off on Tuesday night in a very unusual low-speed police chase. According to local news networks, Sheriff Watson attempted to issue a traffic summons to Mayor Wright for an expired inspection sticker …
Facing a 3rd DUI Conviction: WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?
A 3rd DUI conviction has a number of serious consequences. A 3rd DUI conviction within ten years results in a mandatory ninety days of incarceration, plus a $1,000 fine and an indefinite suspension of your driver’s license. A 3rd offense within five years has an even stiffer penalty: a mandatory six months in jail. Unlike first or second offense DUI, a …
Charged with DUI 2nd Offense? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!
Anyone who has been charged with DUI knows the serious consequences that result. However, if you are charged with a DUI 2nd offense, the stakes are even higher. I’ve been charged with DUI 2nd…now what? As anyone who has been convicted of a first offense DUI knows, your license can be automatically suspended under Virginia law before you are even convicted. There …
Reckless Driving Attorneys for Hampton, Newport News, York County, and Williamsburg
Interstate 64 (I-64) from Hampton and Newport News to Yorktown and up through Williamsburg and James City County is a hot bed for Reckless Driving and Speeding tickets. The Virginia State Police, Hampton Police, Newport News Police, York County Sheriff’s Department, and Williamsburg and James City County Police patrol I-64 and its feeder highways (ex: 199 in Williamsburg) looking for …
What to do if suspected of DUI in Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg, or York County?
Charged with a DUI? Obviously, the best way to avoid the possibility of getting a DUI is to not drink and drive. However, drinking and driving alone is not illegal. It is the operation of a motor vehicle “while under the influence of alcohol” that is unlawful. https://vacode.org/18.2-266/. In Virginia, as in every other state, a blood alcohol concentration of …
3 Myths About Hiring an Attorney in a Traffic Matter
Traffic offenses are by far the most frequent reason that people find themselves embroiled in the criminal justice system. According to insurer Esurance.com, Virginia ranks 7th in the number of traffic citations issued each year: http://blog.esurance.com/speeding-tickets-where-does-your-state-rank/#.Vku70-KIOpo. Even a simple traffic offense such as speeding or failing to stop at a stop sign can lead to an increase in your car …